Freddie Seruwooza Musoke

Company Accountant

Freddie Seruwooza Musoke is responsible for the management of Rescare’s finances.  He manages all aspects of accounting and finance including taxation, cashflow and investments. He reports monthly to Rescare’s Chief Executive Officer Tracey Lanigan and attends Rescare’s monthly Board meetings.  

A Chartered Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor, Freddie has a Master's in Business Administration (UK).
Freddie joined Rescare in October 2019, recognising that one of the key reasons for accepting the role was that it would give him the opportunity, albeit indirectly, to make a contribution to our residents’ lives.

Prior to moving to New Zealand, Freddie helped care for the orphans of HIV victims in Uganda and worked on community projects for the less privileged.  

Freddie is a keen jogger and has participated in two marathons in Uganda.