Learning & Development Advisor
Welshman Kristian Jones is Rescare’s learning and devbelopment, responsible for facilitating and co-ordinating programmes for the development and education of our Community Support Workers and Team Leaders. Kristian is also Rescare’s Workplace Assessor.
He arrived in New Zealand as a backpacker in 2008, having gained qualifications in Wales and working for a UK charitable organisation which empowers and supports adults to live fulfilled lives within their communities. Soon after his arrival in New Zealand, he became a Community Support Worker at Rescare. Despite his original plan to stay in New Zealand for just a short time, Kristian has continued working at Rescare ever since, immersing himself in additional leadership training and becoming a Team Leader and Verifier before being promoted to Learning & Development Advisor.
Kristian’s UK qualifications were internationally assessed by NZQA when he applied for New Zealand residency and the combined assessment outcome of that process was an NZQA Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Level 4.